An illustrated bear sits at a desk in front of her laptop. She is puzzled.

70 fun questions about games and gaming

Musician and avid gamer Ezra Koenig once famously said: “Some people say video games rot your brain, but I think they work different muscles that maybe you don’t normally use.”

As gamers ourselves, we couldn’t agree more. Gaming is a lot of fun to talk about. And if you have if you have any gamers in your classroom or life,  this list of conversation questions about games and gaming will be a great way to get them talking and practicing their English speaking skills!

70 questions about games and gaming

  1. What video game are you currently playing?
  2. How much time do you spend playing games per week?
  3. What is your favorite video game of all time?
  4. Who is your favorite video game character?
  5. What is your favorite video game series?
  6. What is the worst video game you’ve ever played?
  7. Have you ever played a virtual reality game?
  8. What type of video games do you prefer: first-person shooter, action-adventure, or RPG?
  9. Are you a console or PC gamer?
  10. Have you ever competed in a video game tournament?
  11. What difficulty level do you like to play games at? Easy, normal, or hard?
  12. Have you ever completed a video game on the hardest difficulty level?
  13. What is the most challenging video game you’ve ever played?
  14. Do you prefer playing single-player or multiplayer games?
  15. Have you ever created your own video game?
  16. Have you ever wanted to create your own video game?
  17. Do you prefer playing video games on a TV or monitor?
  18. Have you ever tried playing a mobile game on your phone or tablet?
  19. What is the best video game you’ve ever played on a mobile device?
  20. What is the best video game you’ve ever played on a PC?
  21. What is the best video game you’ve ever played on a console?
  22. What is the best video game you’ve ever played on a handheld console?
  23. What are your thoughts on the latest generation of video game consoles?
  24. Have you ever completed a video game 100%?
  25. What is your favorite video game genre? (e.g. racing, adventure, sports, puzzle)
  26. Have you ever played a video game that you couldn’t finish?
  27. Have you ever bought a video game just for its story?
  28. What movie or TV show needs to be turned into a video game?
  29. What video game are you looking forward to playing in the future?
  30. What is the best video game soundtrack you’ve ever heard?
  31. Do you prefer playing video games alone or with friends?
  32. What is your favorite game mode in multiplayer games?
  33. Have you ever played a video game in a language other than your native language?
  34. What is the most expensive video game you’ve ever bought?
  35. What is the best video game you’ve ever played on a portable console?
  36. Have you ever played a video game that made you cry?
  37. What is the best video game adaptation of a book or comic?
  38. Have you ever played a video game with a friend remotely?
  39. What is your favorite video game series from your childhood?
  40. What is your least favorite video game from your childhood?
  41. Did you grow to love that game when you became an adult?
  42. What is the longest time you’ve spent playing a video game in one sitting?
  43. Have you ever played a video game that you found too difficult?
  44. Have you ever played a video game that you found too easy?
  45. Have you ever played a video game that you found too scary?
  46. Have you ever played a video game that you found too violent?
  47. Have you ever played a video game that you couldn’t put down for hours?
  48. Have you ever played a video game that you didn’t understand at first but grew to love?
  49. Have you ever played a video game that you found boring?
  50. Have you ever played a video game that you found too complicated?
  51. Have you ever played a video game that you found too simple?
  52. Have you ever played a video game that you felt was not given enough credit?
  53. Do you prefer playing with others (online gaming) or solo (offline gaming)?
  54. What are some good games for two players?
  55. Have you ever felt sad after finishing a game?
  56. Have you ever played a game that annoyed you?
  57. Have you ever played a video game that you felt was ahead of its time?
  58. Do you think it’s okay for grown adults to play video games?
  59. Name a game you thought you would hate but ended up loving.
  60. How have video games evolved since they were invented?
  61. Why do some people love video games, while others hate them?
  62. Do you like games that involve physical movement? Dancing games, VR games, etc.
  63. Do you think that video games are addictive? Why or why not?
  64. Have you ever spent any time watching Esports?
  65. Would you like to become a professional Esports player?
  66. Do you watch streamers play video games live (e.g. Twitch)?
  67. Have you ever followed a video game walkthrough on YouTube?
  68. If you could only choose one, would you pick Playstation, Xbox, or Nintendo?
  69. If you had to live in one of the video games you’ve played, which one would it be?
  70. Are you bad at any specific games or game genres?

What ESL Discussion Topics and ESL conversation questions should we write about next? Let us know in the comments!

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