A teacher holds a blank quiz in her hand, with a timer in the background.

5 fun quizzes to test your English vocabulary

One of the best ways to improve your English vocabulary is to practice, practice, practice! The only problem? Learning lists of words can be boring, so it’s important to find ways to make studying vocabulary more fun for yourself.

In this blog post, we’ve put together 5 fun quizzes that will test your English vocabulary and help you learn new words. These quizzes are suitable for all levels of language learners, from beginners to experts, and they’re a great way to mix up your language learning.

Good luck! And remember, if you want more free English lessons in your life: subscribe to our newsletter!

1. Can you name these fruits in English?


2. Can you name these vegetables in English?

3. Can you name these kitchen items in English?


4. Can you name these kitchen items in English? (part 2!)


5. Can you name these sports in English?


Don’t worry if you didn’t get everything right. These quizzes are meant to be both hard and fun. If you missed an answer, it means you learned a new word in English!

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